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Appreciating Anxiety

Anxiety has a bad reputation. We often define anxiety as debilitating and uncomfortable, and see it as leading to avoidance of people, places, and things.

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Appreciating Anxiety

Anxiety has a bad reputation. We often define anxiety as debilitating and uncomfortable, and see it as leading to avoidance of people, places, and things.

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The Power of PLEASE Skill

Today, we’re diving into one of the super cool skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) – the PLEASE skill. This skill is a hidden gem

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Bringing Awareness to Avoidance

What is avoidance?  It involves consciously sidestepping challenging or unwanted situations to protect our mental and emotional well-being. While many people are familiar with the

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Sleep Matters

Many of us struggle with sleep at some point in our lives, whether that is too little, trouble falling or staying asleep, or generally not

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Breaking Down Sensory Sensitivities

Each person has a unique sensory profile, meaning that every individual has different sensory preferences and sensitivities. Common preferences may include observing a sunset, smelling

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Enmeshment Trauma: What is it?

Enmeshment trauma, or sometimes called emotional incest, refers to a family system that lacks boundaries. In an enmeshed family, the parents or caregiver inappropriately relies

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What are trauma responses?

Trauma is the lasting emotional response that often results from living through a distressing event. Experiencing a traumatic event can harm a person’s sense of safety,

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Disorganized Attachment

As many know, attachment styles are a key component in understanding and breaking dysfunctional relationship patterns. Attachment styles develop in childhood based off our relationship

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ADHD Decision Making

Our lives are an accumulation of decisions made over time. Every day we are presented with infinite choices – some small, like deciding what’s for

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Setting Boundaries With Family

Boundaries are something a lot of people struggle with, especially with their family members. Some people are raised to bend over backward for family and

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Executive Functioning and ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, an already common childhood disorder, has seen a rise in online popularity as more and more people are taking

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