The Power of PLEASE Skill

An illustration of two individuals stretching with a large heart filled with healthy options. Our DBT therapy in Charlotte, NC can help you with overwhelming emotions. Call us today to get started!

Today, we’re diving into one of the super cool skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) – the PLEASE skill. This skill is a hidden gem for managing your mental health and maintaining emotional balance. 

What is the PLEASE Skill?

First things first, what is the PLEASE Skill? It’s an acronym that stands for:

Physical illness: Take care of your body, both mentally and physically.

Eating: Nourish your body with balanced meals.

Alcohol and drugs: Be mindful of how substances affect you.

Sleep: Get enough quality sleep.

Exercise: Move your body

An illustration of a man meditating while holding up a stress ball & heart. Did you know DBT therapy in Charlotte, NC can help you with mental health challenges? Get started with a DBT therapist today.

The Benefits of PLEASE

Practicing the PLEASE skill can do wonders for your mental health. Here’s why it’s worth adding to your toolbox:

  • Enhanced Emotional Regulation: When your body and mind are in tip-top shape, you’re better equipped to handle emotional challenges. 
  • Improved Focus and Clarity: Adequate sleep, nutrition, and physical activity boost cognitive function. This means better concentration and decision-making.
  • Stress Reduction: A healthy lifestyle helps your body manage stress more effectively, reducing the impact of daily hassles.
  • Stronger Resilience: A well-cared-for body and mind can bounce back from difficulties faster. You’re like a rubber ball, not a fragile vase!
  • Better Relationships: When you’re at your best, you’re more pleasant to be around. Your relationships benefit from your mental well-being.

How to Practice the PLEASE Skill

Let’s get practical! Here are some examples of how to incorporate PLEASE into your daily life recommended by a DBT therapist:

1. Physical Illness (P)

  • Example: If you have a physical illness, like diabetes, make sure to follow your prescribed treatment and monitor your condition regularly. Don’t skip those doctor’s appointments!

2. Eating (E)

  • Example: Pay attention to your mealtime. Sit down, savor your food, and eat mindfully. Don’t skip meals, and avoid excessive junk food. A balanced diet can do wonders for your mental health.

3. Alcohol and Drugs (A)

  • Example: If you enjoy an occasional glass of wine, great! But if you notice it’s affecting your mood or well-being negatively, it’s time to reassess your consumption. Be aware of the substances you put into your body and how they make you feel.
An illustration of tips for healthy sleep that includes evening walks, a bedtime routine, etc. By using the PLEASE DBT skill, you can manage your emotions better. Learn more tips from a DBT therapist in Charlotte, NC.

4. Sleep (S)

  • Example: Create a bedtime routine that promotes restful sleep. Limit screen time before bed, keep your bedroom cool and dark, and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Quality sleep is like a magic potion for your mental health.

5. Exercise (E)

  • Example: Find an exercise routine that you enjoy. It could be anything from yoga to dancing, hiking, walking, or hitting the gym. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones.

Putting PLEASE into Action

Okay, so now you know the benefits and have some examples. But how do you actually put PLEASE into action? Here’s a little plan:

  • Mindful Awareness: Start by recognizing where you might be neglecting your physical health. Are you skipping meals? Staying up all night? Overindulging in substances? Be honest with yourself.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Don’t go from 0 to 100 overnight. Make small, achievable changes in each area of PLEASE. Baby steps are the way to go.
  • Create a Routine: Incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. Schedule your meals, exercise, and bedtime like important appointments.
  • Stay Accountable: Share your goals with a friend or family member who can support you in your journey to better health.
  • Be Patient and Kind to Yourself: Remember, change takes time. You might have setbacks, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up; just keep moving forward.

Final Thoughts as a DBT Therapist in Charlotte, NC

A cartoon of "Dialectical behavior therapy" on a purple background. Representing how DBT therapy in Charlotte, NC can help emotional dysregulation. Get started with a DBT therapist today.

The PLEASE skill is a game-changer for your mental health. By taking care of your physical well-being, you equip yourself to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. So, embrace the PLEASE skill, start making those small changes, and watch your mental well-being soar. Remember, you’re worth it! Take care of yourself. If you’re interested in learning more about DBT skills, reach out to Kind Mind Psychology.

Using the PLEASE Skill for Emotional Balance

Ready to elevate your mental health with the PLEASE skill? At Kind Mind Psych, we believe that nurturing your body and mind is essential for emotional balance and resilience. If you’re looking for personalized support in integrating these practices into your life, our compassionate DBT therapists in Charlotte, NC, are here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t wait to take charge of your well-being!

  1. Reach out to us here if you’re ready to get started with DBT therapy.
  2. Learn more DBT skills by exploring our blogs.
  3. Discover how DBT can help enhance your mental health journey!

Other Services We Offer in New York and North Carolina

In addition to DBT therapy, we offer group therapy that creates a welcoming space where you can connect with others, share experiences, and feel empowered as part of a supportive community. For those within the LGBTQIA+ community, our LGBTQIA+ therapy is a compassionate and affirming space where you can explore your identity and celebrate who you are. We also offer couples therapy, helping partners strengthen their bond. If you’re seeking to heal from past trauma, our specialized EMDR therapy and Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy are designed to guide you toward lasting healing and emotional resilience. Whatever you’re facing, we’re here to help you thrive.

If you’re ready to claim your best life, contact me now!